Wednesday 29 December 2010

FAQ - Frequently asked questions

The following questions were posed by potential apprentices....

> where can the job be based ?
You can work anywhere you have a phone or internet connection.

> what kind of stuff will it involve on a day to day basis ?
You'll be making a list of people to contact about our opportunity.
You'll be contacting and inviting people to events, webinars and to look at websites.
The main part of the role is to find out if people are interested in coming on board and
working with me / introducing them to our team.

> what progression is there with this job for say, after i have finished my
> course ?
Every time 2 people join the opportunity you get paid and you are given a business position. As the number of people in your team grows, you get the opportunity to earn a further commission every month. If you choose to do this, you'll get an ongoing income.

> what kind of money could i be making while i'm at college and when i leave
> college ?
The highest earners in the UK currently earn £4000 a month, part time. We've only been open in the UK since May 2010. In the US there are people earning $1m, $6m and $12m a year. The longer you build, the bigger it gets.

> sorry for asking so many question, just the job sounds really apealing and
> there was them 4 parts to it that i couldn't really work out from the link
> you sent me.

I appreciate the questions - makes the process much more interesting and the potential leaders ask the most questions.

Monday 20 December 2010

TI: First Steps

Many thanks for your interest in our project.

As you may well know, Sue and I are working with several multi millionaires and the Ernst & Young
Entrepreneur of the Year, Dallin Larsen, to launch their US business internationally.

I'd like to invite you to subscribe to our newsletter
and take a further look in the following ways...

1. Subscribe to our guide - a series of updates to guide you throught the steps

2. Online Event - Monday 9:30pm

3. Meet Sue & Mark - Tuesday 6-7pm ( for those within 2 hours of Cardiff )
Park Plaza Hotel
Greyfriars Road,
Cardiff CF10 3AL

Confirm by text to 07767 875 550 or email: by 5pm on Tuesday

4. Meet Mark & the UK leadership team -  Wednesday 7pm ( for those within 2 hours of London)
Confirm by text to 07767 875 550 or email: by 5pm on Wednesday. 

5. Follow us on Facebook

6. View our video for promoting online

Ready to now take the next step?

We are promoting the MonaVie opportunity.
MonaVie is one of the fastest growing companies ever.
Faster than Microsoft and Apple to get to $1bn.
They produce a nutritional beverage which is made from
the most powerful superfruit, acai and 18 other fruits.
It's helping people with nutrition, sports injuries,
neck pain, back pain and arthritis.

To get started, you will find 2 people to join your team.
But firstly, over 30 people have become multi millionaires
with the MonaVie opportunity. Why would you want an opportunity
and what would that extra income allow you to do. Follow this to get started.

Here's to your success.

Mark & Sue Hopgood
07767 875 550 (UK)
904 638 9046 (USA)

TI: Opportunity

Our project is called Team International: The next Student Millionaire Apprentice.

We're looking for 2 people who are motivated enough to become the
template for all ambitious students and to create a model where students don't have to
worry about debt after they graduate.

You must be willing to spend 3 hours a week following a set of activities on a
regular basis which will lead to you becoming in the frame for the promotion.

We're working with 4 multi millionaires from the USA and using a
proven system which will bring you an income, not just while you are studying, but when you have
finished your course.

The main activities are...

Inviting other people to join the project.
Follow the weekly blog entries and follow the system.
Attending a weekly training session where you will learn new skills.
Creating a blog of your activities.
Inviting people to events and the weekly training session.
Learning what it takes to become the next student millionaire.

Do you have what it takes?

Through your activites, new people will join, either as a promoter / business builder.

We are currently looking for a promoter / business builder.


Payment of a commission when 2 new business partners join.
(10% of initial order, typically £200 ) Unlimited. You will then progress on to become a business builder.

Business Builder (9 ways to earn)
9 Ways to earn, based on receiving a regular commission.

If you are interested and willing to look further into this opportunity, please follow onto the next link.

Mark & Sue Hopgood
07767 875 550 (UK)
904 638 9046 (USA)

TI: The Power of 2, Part 2 Finding Your 2

This is the second part of the series.

In order to start earning, you will be finding 2 people to join us. Introduce 2 people to us who are willing to join MonaVie to us and we will create your business position and you will receive your first commission payment.

There are 2 steps -
Build a list
Contact and Invite

Finding your 2 - Building a list
In order to find your 2 people to join your business, you have to look. Firstly you build your list.
Here's my view on building a list. It must contain over 80 people. Do not pre judge and include everyone.
You are going to make a lot of people happy with your opportunity.

I wanted to share something very powerful which we use to accelerate
our business.
As a word of mouth / recommendation business, having a list of people
to invite to take a look is cruicial.
Just to give you an idea - 100% of those that create a list, go on to
make money in MonaVie.
That's what I want for you and for you not to waste time and effort.

I've produced a spreadsheet. If you could populate this and we'll talk
through the list when you are ready. This is a template - save a copy

I call this the Green Jelly Bean list.
Here's why...
also have a look at the inspiration
fast forward to 1:57 where carrie talks about the green jelly beans.

Step 2: contacting and inviting

You will be contacting your list and asking them if they are open to looking at an opportunity.
If they are, you will be sending them a link, e.g.

You will be calling them back and asking them what they liked. Then you will be introducing them to Sue and me, where we will help you.

There are several methods to contacting and inviting. As this is a relational / relationship business you will have spoken to Sue and me several times now and have the skills needed to the proceed.

Here's to your success.
Mark & Sue Hopgood
07767 875 550 (UK)
904 638 9046 (USA)

TI: The power of 2 - Part 1, Define your Dream

This is a very simple concept and very powerful.

The aim of our business is to use the power of 2. Find 2 people interested in our opportunity and teach them to do the same.

Firstly it starts with you.

1. Define your why - why do you want this opportunity?
Maybe you are looking for more - better heatlh, wealth. This is great, but you have to think beyond that. Money and health are great, but what would you do if you had them in abundance? That's the basis for your dream or why.
Write it down - tell others, blog about it.

Here's to your success.
Mark & Sue Hopgood

Next up, Part 2, Finding Your 2. Click the following link to get to the next stages

About us..

I wanted to give you some background to Sue and I.

(to see the pictures, go to and click the photos tab)

In 1992, as a teacher I was headhunted to become an IT trainer. As an IT trainer, I was headhunted to be a consultant. The catch, I had to start my own business. I travelled the world troubleshooting big businesses like IBM, Thai Government, Computer Associates, British Airways, JP Morgan, Unilever. In New Zealand, I met Sue.

Sue and I got married in 1999 and we launched a software business. We successfully took our communications suite to companies such as BP, Coca Cola, Accenture, Atos Origin and other UK big businesses. With a business turning over close to £1m, 8 staff and a £35k a year office rent (overheads close to £275k a year before we made any profit). In 2009 we were hit by the global economic meltdown. We had to close part of this business.

So at the end of 2009 and Early 2010 we were looking for a new project and we were introduced to David Ingham, Matt Hammond, Brig Hart and Steve & Gina Merritt. Multi millionaires who had a proven system and 5 year old business.

They were looking to launch their US business in the UK. We were up for it. We launched officially in May 2010 where the CEO, Dallin Larsen took Sue and I out for dinner.

You can see pictures of Sue with Dallin and Sue, Me and the kids with Steve and Gina at the photos tab of Sue's facebook page...

Our business with MonaVie is all about helping people to better health, physically and financially. We run this, have 2 wonderful kids and at the same time and are both teachers of business studies at a performing arts college in Kent. We're busy people, but its easy to find time for this opportunity. It's helping to shape our future and our families futures.

We have a great team of people in the UK and USA who have dedicated their lives to helping us and we wish to help you, too!

You can contact us at
UK: 07767 875 550
USA: 904 638 9046

Saturday 18 December 2010

1. Welcome to Team International: The Next Student Millionaire Apprentice


Some of you have spoken with Sue (, some with me.
We're delighted that you could join us with our opportunity. We mean this collectively, you and us together have the chance to change the finances of thousands of people worldwide.

Why is the timing right? Well currently the global economic slowdown (meltdown) has caused several effects which include spending cuts (education, welfare) and increases in taxes and student debt and loans.

In order to go to university, a typical student faces a debt of £80k when they complete their college.
In order to get over this, we've put together a proven system which has created over 30 multi millionaires in the US over the last 5 years.

Join us. Follow this blog and connect with us on facebook.